Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Grande Epiphany

Here is picture of this said TB Crew: ( from left to right: Zsa Zsa, Edgar, Maria, Jen Jen, Myself, Stephania, Seth, and Dexter)

So I have decided to start a business! I had this grande drunk epiphany this past weekend.. My best friend Stephania and I got to talking and let's just say things started to click!

I realized that one of my particular groups of friends are just a group of people who are bidding our time until we start to fulfill our true potentials. Everyone and I mean everyone in our group is capable of achieving something great. This type of thinking, led me to my said epiphany! We should start a business.. We all have our strengths ranging from: buying, personal shopping, PR, culinary, design, film, musical, and I have realized I am a bit of an idea man. Now the task I'm setting for myself is come up with venture worthy of the TB crew and then to set the plans into motion.

Stay tuned!!

Dede x x

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